The Benefits of a Fat Transfer With ATGRAFT®

Beauty,Model,Healthy,Skin,Beautiful,Body,Hands,Manicure,Nails,Natural Today, you can use your adipose tissue (also known as fat tissue) as a filler. At The Stern Center for Aesthetic Surgery, you can have an autologous fat transfer (AFT) treatment for aesthetic enhancement and to address volume loss in various areas. Additionally, thanks to ATGRAFT®, a revolutionary cryogenic fat storage option, you can also save your adipose tissue for use at a later date, eliminating the need for multiple fat-harvesting sessions.

Which Areas of the Body Can Benefit From an ATGRAFT Fat Transfer?

Dr. Fredric A. Stern can use your own natural fat to address volume loss in the cheeks, smooth out deep facial creases, and fill in hollows beneath the eyes. He can also add volume to the lips and smooth wrinkles near the nose and mouth. In addition, Dr. Stern can rejuvenate the hands by reducing the visibility of veins and tendons.

What Is an Autologous Fat Transfer?

This procedure involves harvesting fat from one part of your body and transferring it to another. Commonly used donor sites include the buttocks, abdomen, and thighs. These are usually ideal harvesting sites because they typically carry excess fat.

A fat transfer can be performed using freshly collected and processed fat tissue or with previously collected, processed, and cryogenically frozen tissue.

If you have liposuction, you can use ATGRAFT to store your fat tissue to use for enhancement purposes at a later date.

How Does It Work?

During the fat harvest procedure, Dr. Stern carefully collects fat tissue through liposuction. This collected tissue is then transferred into a specialized transportation system, ensuring its safe and efficient delivery to the state-of-the-art laboratory at American CryoStem. Once it arrives, the important stage of processing and cryopreserving the fat tissue happens.

When you’re ready to use a portion or the entire stored sample of your fat as a filler, Dr. Stern can simply request a delivery for use on the day of your filler appointment.

Schedule Your Initial Evaluation at The Stern Center For Aesthetic Surgery Today

For more than 25 years, Dr. Fredric A. Stern has been using his skill and artistic vision to help people attain a more youthful appearance. If you are in or around Bellevue, Washington, and want to learn more about autologous fat transfer and ATGRAFT, contact The Stern Center for Aesthetic Surgery at 425-455-9100.

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