Stem Cell Storage in Bellevue, WA

Stem Cell Storage Now at The Stern Center

Store Your Stem Cells for Cosmetic and Emerging Regenerative Therapies

A new scientifically backed service offered by The Stern Center and American CryoStem takes your Adult Stem Cells from your adipose tissue (body fat) and cryogenically freezes it (stem cell storage) for future uses in Regenerative Medicine therapies or Cosmetic applications.

Your Own Adult Stem Cells Can Help Extinguish Aging

Learn how a new skin care line of products, made especially for you using your own adult stem cells, can restore your youthful appearance like never before.

With Dr. Fredric Stern, you’re in good hands

“Patients can go anywhere—even the mall—for Botox and filler injection these days. If you’re going to spend your hard-earned money, I believe you deserve to have the best, most experienced person perform your injection. That’s why in our office; I do all of the injections myself.”

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